雅思2018-09-07 09:32:01来源 : 点击:






9月换题季,雅思口语话题部分新题已出炉,七悠雅思 APP 第一场已出新题题卡的20道P2已经全部更新答案,P1也将很快更新答案,小烤鸭们快来抢先看哦。需要购买七悠雅思原创答案的小烤鸭,可以直接进入app的商城购买。








  1. Holidays

  2. Movies

  3. Drawing

  4. Photos

  5. Shoes

  6. Morning routines

  7. Cooking

  8. Weather

  9. Sunglasses

  10. Colors

  11. Cities

  12. Drink Water








1. Describe an occasion when you were scared一次被吓的经历 

    You should say:

  • When it happened

  • Where you were

  • Who you were with

  • Why you were scared

  • And explain how you felt about it

2. Describe a time when you received money as a present有人给你钱作为礼物

    You should say:

  • Who gave it

  • When you received it

  • How you spend the money

  • And how you feel about it

3. Describe an important plant in your country 我国的重要植物

    You should say:

  • What it is

  • Where you see it

  • What it looks like

  • And explain why it is important

4. Describe a time when you had some medicine一次你服药的经历

    You should say:

  • When it happened

  • Who gave it to you

  • Why you had  it

  • How you felt about it

5. Describe a good law in your country我国的一项好法律 (可套旧话题:一项可以有助环境保护的法律)

     You should say:

  • What it is about

  • How you know it

  • Who would be affected by it

  • And explain why the law is good

6. Describe a book you read recently 你最近读的一本书(可套旧话题:想要重温的书)

    You should say:

  • What kind of book it was

  • What it was about

  • Where you read it

  • And how you felt about it

7. Describe something you made that you gave to other people 一件你做了送给别人的东西(可套旧话题:和别人分享东西)

    You should say:

  • What it was

  • What it was like

  • Who you gave it to

  • And how you felt about it

8. Describe a film or TV program that made you laugh让你笑的电视节目或电影 (可套旧话题:喜欢的电视节目)

    You should say:

  • What it is

  • When you watched it

  • Who you watched it with

  • What it is talk about

  • And explain how you felt about it

9. Decribe a beautiful city you've visited 你去过的一个美丽城市(可套旧话题:去过的城市)

    You should say:

  • What it is

  • Where it is

  • When you go there

  • And why you think it is beautiful

10. Describe an impressive wedding 一次印象深刻的婚礼(疑似新题,旧话题回库)

    You should say:

  • when it was

  • who got married

  • what happened at the wedding

  • and explain how you felt about it.

11. Describe an activity you would do when you are alone in your free time你空闲独处时会做的活动 (可套旧话题:户外活动)

    You should say:

  • What the activity is

  • How often you do it

  • Where you do it

  • How you do it

  • And explain why you would like to do this activity

12. Describe an educational trip 一次有教育意义的旅行(疑似新题,旧话题回库)

    You should say: 

  • Where this place was

  • What you did at this place

  • Who you went there with

  • And explain why you thought this trip was educational

13. Describe a place for study 学习场所(可套旧话题:安静的地方、看书写字的地方)

    You should say

  • Where it is

  • When you go there

  • What you study there

  • who you go with

  • Why you would study in this place

14. Describe someone you haven' t seen before but you would like to know more 你未见过但是想更多了解的人(可套旧话题:见过一次想要了解更多的人、想见的新闻中的人)

    You should say:

  • What this person is

  • How you knew about this person

  • What you want to know more about this person

  • And why you would like to know this person more

15. Describe a time that you looked for information from the internet 一次在网上查信息 (可套旧话题:网上学习、网上或书上的关于健康生活的文章、经常访问的网站)

    You should say:

  • When it happend

  • What you were looking for

  • Where you were searching on the internet

  • And how you felt about this infomation

16. Describe a family business you know 你知道的家族生意 (可套旧话题:成功的生意人)

    You should say:

  • What the bussiness is

  • How you know it

  • What products it sells

  • Who the customers are

  • And how you like it

17. Describe a time you borrowed something from your friends or family 一次你向朋友或家人借东西 (可套旧话题:借到有用的东西)

    You should say:

  • What it was

  • When you borrowed it 

  • Whom you borrowed it from

  • What you did with it

  • And why you borrowed it

18. Describe something given to you that you really need 给你的真实需要的东西(可套旧话题:想换掉的东西、得到免费的东西)

    You should say:

  • What it is

  • Who gave it to you

  • Why you need it

  • And how you felt about it

19. Describe an interesting person you would like to meet 你想见的一个有趣的人 (可套旧话题:有趣的外国人)

    You should say:

  • Who the person is

  • What this person does

  • Why you think the person is interesting

  • And what you want to do with this person

20. Describe an equipment that had problems 有故障的设备(待确认)

    You should say:

  • What it was

  • What problem it had

  • How you fixed it

  • How you felt about it

21. Describe a skill that you need long time to learn需要很长时间学习的技能 (可套旧话题:儿时学习的技能)

22. Describe a complaint that you made and you were satisfied with the result抱怨后却对结果满意的事情

23. Describe a teenager you know 你知道的一个青少年

24. Describe a language you want to learn (not English) 除英语外想学的一门语言

25. Describe a game that you played in your childhood 童年玩的游戏

26. Describe an interesting talk or lecture 一次有趣的讲座









